The Peak of Hazards Blog

Friday, October 8, 2010

Not Making the Grade…Cal/OSHA

On September 28th Federal OSHA distributed report cards to each of the 27 State-run OSHA programs…25 were given incompletes and 30 days to develop a written plan to correct identified shortfalls. Cal-OSHA was identified as one of the failing programs. Here’s a link to Cal-OSHA’s “report card” for FY2009.

Beginning my career outside of California, I often heard how California was “cutting edge” in the Occupational Safety and Health field. When reviewing the list of failing programs, I was disappointed to learn that Cal-OSHA didn’t “Pass.” I was most disappointed that the shortfalls (missing documentation and closing times of investigations that are “significantly higher than the national average.”) were primarily budget related. I know this is not uncommon amongst California agencies at the moment, but being short staffed by 45 people is significant. Add in furloughs and I’m left wondering who’s answering the phones?

Missing documentation and slow moving investigations are a problem. However, I don’t necessarily agree that points should be subtracted for Cal-OSHA not meeting Federal Procedures (OSHA FOM). Maybe California’s “Cutting Edge” approach is better? I’m not sure what criteria would be used for such a comparison. Either way, this is a very argumentative claim.

So what does this mean? The “report card” specifically noted deficiencies in 3 standards: (the Employer Payment for Personal Protective Equipment, the Clarification of Employer Duty to Provide Personal Protective Equipment and Train Each Employee and the Final Rule on Electrical Installation Requirements). Cal-OSHA must provide a written plan as to how necessary corrections will be made (if they can find the staff hours…bad time for that jab?). It may be that changes to Cal-OSHA regulations are made. Stay tuned…

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